A Place Called Vertigo
It's everything I wish I didn't know
Thursday, December 22, 2016
Christmas 2016
Well, it's a been a year since I last posted but I'm going post pictures of my kids with Santa from our ward party. I wondered how Nicholas would handle sitting on Santa's lap. He looks a little nervous but he didn't cry. We also made a trip downtown to see the Christmas lights earlier in the month. Unfortunately Brian had to work so he wasn't able to join us for the lights.

Monday, December 28, 2015
Christmas Lights
This was the first year we took the kids to Temple Square to see the Christmas lights. I've just never wanted to worry about them freezing but this year we had a few warmer days in December so we bundled everyone up, jumped on the train, and went to Temple Square. The kids were so good! They walked and walked and walked and never complained. The lights were as beautiful as ever and then we enjoyed ice cream and smoothies at City Creek. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa Thomas for coming with us.
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Afternoon at City Creek
Yesterday I took the day off work and spent time with the kids. In the morning I went with Rebecca to preschool and helped out there. Then that afternoon Rebecca, Zach and I rode TRAX to City Creek. My kids love to ride the train. It was a perfect day to ride because of all the snow. We went shopping at the Disney Store and then went to the food court for lunch. They chose chicken Mcnuggets, chocolate milk and french fries. They were perfect little lunch dates! Then we walked around City Creek some more and they loved watching the fish in the creek. We rode the train back home and called our afternoon together a success. They behaved so perfectly! I think we may have to do this once a month. :-)
I should have taken more pictures but here are my cuties eating lunch.
I should have taken more pictures but here are my cuties eating lunch.
Snow, Snow and more Snow
We have so much snow at our house. I love it! We woke up Monday morning to several inches of snow on the ground and it continued to snow all day. My boss was nice enough to let me work from home so I didn't have to spend hours sitting in my car trying to make it to the office. Brian took the kids outside to play. They went for rides on their sleds behind the 4 wheeler and made a snow man. I lost track of how many times Brian cleared out driveway. He also went out several times to help people get unstuck and out of their driveway. I am grateful we have 4 wheel drive and grateful I was able to work from home in my comfortable clothes and I'm thankful Brian is such a fun dad!
I told the kids to make funny faces which they are trying to do but you can't tell with those thick mittens
Monday, December 7, 2015
Home Depot Kids Corner
I always have good intentions of taking the kids to Home Depot on the first Saturday of the month for the kids corner activity. Well, we finally made it there. The kids were able to make Holiday Stacking Blocks. They loved using the hammer and painting. We were all covered in paint but it washes off. I was proud of the hard detailed work and their projects look awesome!
Halloween Monster Mash 2015
I noticed an advertisement for the Cottonwood Heights Rec Center hosting a Halloween Monster Mash the night before Halloween. It was free and Ariel, Rapunzel, Cinderella, BayMax and Spiderman were going to be there. I knew we had to go because Rebecca loves Ariel and how fun would it be to meet her in person. They had little carnival games set up around the gym for the kids to play and then they got candy from every station as well. About a half hour into the event the Disney Princesses and others showed up. Rebecca was a little shy but she was so excited to meet her favorite princess. The princesses were so sweet and got down to her level and talked with her. Zach met BayMax and Spiderman. He probably would have rather met Lightning McQueen but he was happy for the candy.
Monday, October 26, 2015
Happy Halloween 2015
The theme for the Thomas family Halloween party was Pirates. Brian has wanted to be Lego people for the past couple of years so this year, we went as Lego Pirates. Rebecca wanted to be Ariel so we figured mermaids go along with the pirate theme, right? All the costumes turned out great and we had a blast at our Pirate Halloween Party!
Brian and Cheryl Family
Spencer and Heather Family
Kim and Guy Family
Matt and Nicole Family
Mike and Amy Family
Grandpa and Grandma
Just the cute girls
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