Friday, July 1, 2011

Family Vacation

Brian and his friend Ruston have had a biking trip to St. George planned for several months. They were kind enough to let Rebecca and me join them. Rebecca and I went on walks and hung out in the air conditioned condo while the boys were out in the heat riding their bikes.

We took Rebecca to visit the St. George temple one evening and she was so happy to be outside. Here are some cute pictures of her enjoying her time outside on the temple grounds.

I love those chubby cheeks

Check out that perfect spit bubble :)

I love how little she looks sitting next to Brian

One day while the boys were out riding, Rebecca and I hung out at the pool with Ruston's wife Julie and Ruston's family. They had a shade canopy over the kiddy pool so I decided to take Rebecca for a little dip in the pool. She was such a good sport and seemed to really enjoy being in the water. The water temperature was perfect!

This was Rebecca's first road trip and we all had a great time in St. George, even though it was hot, hot, hot!


Nicole said...

How CUTE!!! I love seeing pics of her, I too LOVE her cheeks. I'm glad you guys had a great time.

Spencer and Heather said...

Chubby cheeks are the best!! She is just too cute!!